In the bustling streets of Mahalaxmi, Mumbai, a heartrending story unfolded with Moti, a Pamolian dog left to fend for himself after the unfortunate passing of his owner. Overwhelmed by grief, Moti retreated into solitude, only emerging for meals. His thick fur, once a source of pride, grew unkempt and matted, further worsened by the rains. This led to a noticeable odor, causing passersby to shun him.
Amidst his plight, a compassionate individual took notice of Moti’s deteriorating condition and reached out for help. This plea caught the attention of the Animal Rescue and Care (ARAC) team. We swiftly intervened, providing Moti with a much-needed bath and essential vaccinations. Recognizing his need for ongoing care and love, Moti was then transferred to a private shelter, where he could receive the attention and affection he deserved, paving the way for a brighter future.